When people start to view each other with compassion and see each other's common humanity, issues that trouble our society, such as sexism, racism, homophobia, and ageism, are immediately eased in a way that leads to a happier, more harmonious world for everyone.
Compassionate World was created by Elizabeth Pyjov at the Stanford University's Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education over a decade ago.
Elizabeth saw the impact compassion and self-compassion has on the individual and their community. Alternatively, she also saw that a lack of self-compassion leads to mental health problems, and diminished educational and economic outcomes.
She developed a never-seen-before approach of teaching compassion and self-compassion through a combination of mind science and the latest research. Innovatively using cutting-edge science and ancient wisdom traditions, she creates educational programs that make the world a better place by breaking conventions in society and in the default network of the mind in a way that has never been done before.
The latest mind research and the most important insights from world religions are made accessible, actionable, and interesting to the general public. As a result of the programs, people are kinder to themselves and others in a way that heals them and their communities.
elizabeth@leadwithcompassion.com |
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